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Carniny Primary School, 61 Old Cullybackey Road, Ballymena

P1 Blubber Experiment

28th Jan 2022

What an exciting morning we have had in P1! We have been learning lots of facts about penguins and all of the different parts of their body. This morning we thought about how a Penguin keeps warm and carried out an experiment to find out. 

  1. First we dipped our hands in icy cold water.
  2. Next we dipped our hands in fat, which is just like Penguin blubber.
  3. Then we put our hands back into the icy cold water.
  4. Finally, we thought about whether our hands were warmer or colder with blubber on them.

We talked about what we found out and all of the children thought their hands were warmer with blubber! 

What excellent scientists we have in P1! 🐧🧊👨🏼‍🔬